Travel itineraries
Family-friendly Travel itineraries
Lets take the guesswork out of the planning your next trip! These are the itineraries of the trips we did. All these countries are perfect for traveling with kids, we thought is was even easier with our kids. We were so welcome everywhere!! Being able to experience a trip through the eyes of a child makes it so much more sprecial! Not only searching for itineraries but more general information about certain destinations? Than check our 'destination page'
Middle East
Want to make your own travel itinerary? You find how to do this step by step in this article
Hi! We are Bart, Kris, Lore and Ruben. We are a family of 5, yes, we also have a dog named Spike.
Maybe we can inspire you to explore a bit more of all those beautiful corners of our planet? Go to our trips and find out!
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